Tuesday 16 August 2016

PROJ-587 Advanced Program Management Entire Course

PROJ-587 Advanced Program Management Entire Course

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PROJ-587 Advanced Program Management Entire Course

PROJ 587 Week 1 Discussion 1 From Corporate Strategy to Project
PROJ 587 Week 1 Discussion 2 Portfolios,Programs & Projects
PROJ 587 Week 2 Course Project Outline
PROJ 587 Week 2 Discussion 1 Project Portfolio Selection
PROJ 587 Week 2 Discussion 2 Portfolio Management Process
PROJ 587 Week 3 Quiz (2 Versions)
PROJ 587 Week 3 Discussion 1 PM, PgM, and PPM
PROJ 587 Week 3 Discussion 2 Project Cost
PROJ 587 Week 4 Course Project Rough Daft
PROJ 587 Week 4 Discussion 1 Change Management
PROJ 587 Week 4 Discussion 2 Conflict Management
PROJ 587 Week 5 Case Study
PROJ 587 Week 5 Discussion 1 Highly Effective Teams
PROJ 587 Week 5 Discussion 2 Leading Highly Effective Teams
PROJ 587 Week 6 Quiz (2 Versions)
PROJ 587 Week 6 Discussion 1 Ethical Behavior
PROJ 587 Week 6 Discussion 2 Communication Management
PROJ 587 Week 7 Final Course Project Report
PROJ 587 Week 7 Discussion 1 Optimizing Resources
PROJ 587 Week 7 Discussion 2 Trends in Project Management
PROJ 587 Week 8 Final Course Project Presentation
Note: Course updated per the syllabus October 2014 however download additionally includes all coursework taken in 2012 as well.
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