Tuesday 16 August 2016

NETW 589 Entire Course Wireless Communication

NETW 589 Entire Course Wireless Communication

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NETW 589 Entire Course Wireless Communication

NETW 589 Case Study Wireless Communication Week 5 Keller 

12 Power Point Slides Plus Speaker Notes
Case Description
The organization you work for has leased a building next door to the existing building. The local area networks in the new building and the existing building must be linked to each other. The distance is 657 feet. Here is the relationship of the two buildings.
Notice that the blue dashed line showing the route of the link crosses a parking lot not under your control. It also crosses a public street. Both buildings are two stories tall. From the second floor or the roof of each building there is a clear line of sight above the expected height of any vegetation currently in the area.
You have been assigned the task of determining the available wireless methods that could be used to connect the buildings to each other and presenting these options to the executive team. The executive team consists of the CEO, the CFO, and the managers of the five business units. They will need to know the following about each option in terms that nontechnical staff can readily understand:
  • The way the method transmits data back and forth
  • The advantages of the method
  • The disadvantages of the method
  • The costs of the method
  • Whether the costs are classified as opex or capex
  • Whether any permits are required from the controlling jurisdiction
  • Whether there are any legal requirements that must be meet before deploying it
  • The inherent security of the method
  • Whether you recommend this method and why or why not
Your assignment it to prepare a concise presentation that provides the executive team with all of the information they need to select the best method.
The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience in communicating technical issues to a nontechnical audience, researching options to solve a common network problem, and giving an organized, succinct, and captivating presentation.
Case Grading

The presentation is worth 140 points.
  • The PowerPoint presentation is due in Week 5.
  • The PowerPoint presentation should be at least 10 slides and must answer satisfactorily all 9 questions listed above.
To determine the best way of connecting the two LANS, I will discuss four methods of wireless data transmission, such as the Wireless Free Space Optics, the wireless bridge, the Local Multipoint Distribution System, and the WiMax Technology.  For each of these methods, I will discuss their advantages and disadvantages, the…
 NETW 589 Quizzes Week 1-7 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct 

 NETW 589 Quiz Week 1 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct 

(TCO A) What disadvantages do wireless networks have?
 (TCO A) An electromagnetic signal contains what fields? What is their relationship?
 (TCO A) Define and give an example of narrow band and spread spectrum transmission. What is the big disadvantage of narrow band, and why is spread spectrum a good alternative?
 (TCO A) How is information conveyed using AM (amplitude modulation)?
When an amplitude modulated signal is created, the amplitude of the signal is…
(TCO A) In phase modulation, what happens to the amplitude, the frequency, and the starting point of the cycle of a signal?
NETW 589 Quiz Week 2 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct

(TCO B) Why do we need standards in telecommunications? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
(TCO B) What is the difference between de facto and de jure?
De facto standards are not really standards at all. Rather, they are…
(TCO B) For United States standards, what are the top three organizations?
(TCO B) What is a link budget?
NETW 589 Quiz Week 3 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct

(TCO C) Which security standard is compatible with the 802.11i standard, and which ones are not?
(TCO C) What is WEP? Describe the five major characteristics of WEP.
(TCO C) What does MIMO do?
(TCO C) What are the two main WLAN modes, and how do they differ?
(TCO C) What is the SSID?
NETW 589 Quiz Week 4 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct

(TCO D) What is a WMAN, and what are the primary goals?
(TCO D) What are the disadvantages of FSO?
(TCO D) What is the difference between baseband and broadband?
(TCO D) LMDS operates over what frequencies?
(TCO D) What is a triple play?
NETW 589 Quiz Week 5 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct

(TCO E) Digital cellular telephones can be used for what common applications? List and explain five of them.
(TCO E) Define i-Mode
(TCO E) Describe the location and the use of a GEO satellite
NETW 589 Quiz Week 6 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct

(TCO F) What is a reader or an interrogator?
(TCO F) What security issues are associated with RFID tags? How can these concerns be mitigated?
(TCO F) One class of active tags is called beacons. What does a beacon do?
NETW 589 Quiz Week 7 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct

(TCO G) AMPS operates in what frequency range?
(TCO G) Describe four key elements contained in a request for proposal (RFP).
(TCO G) Discuss three strategic business advantages to wireless systems.
NETW 589 Discussions Week 1-7 Wireless Communication All Students Posts 410 Pages Keller

NETW 589 How Do You Use Wireless Discussions 1 Week 1 All Students Posts 39 Page Keller

No doubt you use wireless devices every day. Provide some examples as to what the device does, the size of the device, and the frequency the device uses.  What are the wireless devices you use at home? What frequency do they operate on?  Class, What is Ultra Wide Band? Has anyone of you used it or is using it?  What is the range of UWB? what frequency does it operate on ? Is it secure?…
NETW 589 The Replacement for DSSS, OFDM Discussions 2 Week 1 All Students Posts 39 Pages Keller
Until recently most low-speed devices used FHSS and higher-speed devices used DSSS; today Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is the new method. What is OFDM? How is it used? Why is it used?  Class, before we jump in into the different modulation techniques, what is meant by modulation? Why is it important?  What is the difference between analog and digital? Why did most technologies move to Digital? What drawbacks did analog transmission have?  What are spread spectrums? How do FHSS and DSSS compare?…
NETW 589 Impediments to Transmission Discussions 1 Week 2 All Students Posts 30 Pages Keller

Look around you. How many impediments to successful wireless transmission do you see? How can these be overcome? What is attenuation? how does it occur? What do you do to solve the problem of attenuation?  What are some ways to overcome interference?…
NETW 589 Antennas Discussions 2 Week 2 All Students Posts 28 Pages Keller
Look at the wireless devices you use. Where is the antenna? What type of antenna is it? What is polarization? why is it important in WLANs?  What is antenna Efficiency? Can we achieve 90%-100% efficiency on an antenna?….
NETW 589 Use of Bluetooth Discussions 1 Week 3 All Students Posts 31 Pages Keller

Where is Bluetooth commonly used? What is Bluetooth? What frequency does it operate on? What transmission scheme it uses? Is it Secure? What are its common uses? Do you think Bluetooth is Secure? Would you worry about sniffing or eavesdropping ?…
NETW 589 How Secure Is a WLAN? Discussions 2 Week 3 All Students Posts 30 Pages Keller
What are the main security threats facing wireless local area networks? What is WEP? How does it work? what are its vulnerabilities?  What did WPA and WPA2 bring to the table?  Why are they better than WEP?…
NETW 589 The Last Mile Discussions 1 Week 4 All Students Posts 37 Pages Keller

What is the Last Mile? What are the problems associated with the last mile for carriers? Is it really a last mile? or a metpahor for something? What are the problems associated with the last mile for carriers?
NETW 589 FSO Discussions 2 Week 4 All Students Posts 31 Pages Keller
What is FSO? Where is it used? What are the advantages and disadvantages?  Have you heard of it before or this is the first time?  What is WWAN? What are some technologies that fall under that umbrella?…
NETW 589 Cellular Data Networks for a WAN Discussions 1 Week 5 All Students Posts 24 Pages Keller

Is a cellular connection an appropriate type of link for use in a WAN? Can it be a primary link? Can it be used as a backup link dialed on demand?…
NETW 589 The use of Satellite Networks Discussions 2 Week 5 All Students Posts 31 Pages Keller
Where are satellite links used as part of a WAN? How can the technical limitations be ameliorated?  What are the technical limitations of Satellite Communications?…
NETW 589 Privacy, Security, and RFID Discussions 1 Week 6 All Students Posts 27 Pages Keller

RFID has some controversial applications. Is RFID a risk to our privacy, or is it a necessity for security? How does tap to pay work? Has anyone tried it yet?…
NETW 589 Project Discussions 2 Week 6 All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller
Discuss with the instructor and fellow students what you learned from the project and how you can apply this in your network management career….
NETW 589 Deploying Wireless Applications Discussions 1 Week 7 All Students Posts 33 Pages Keller

How do you evaluate wireless solutions for business?  Is it deployed everywhere in businesses? Do you see it to continue be favorable in the future?  What is RFI? What is it used for? What does it aim for? How should it be used?…
NETW 589 Selling a Wireless Solution Discussions 2 Week 7 All Students Posts 39 Pages Keller
Imagine that you are a consultant or an IT Manager. How would you go about selling wireless to your customers?  What things do you stress on to bring advantage to the customer?…
 NETW 589 Final Exam Wireless Communication Keller
Grade A + Received 300/300 Points

(TCO A) How do analog and digital signals differ? Describe the pattern. (Points : 25)

Analog technology translates information into electric pulses that have various…
(TCO A) How is information conveyed using FM (frequency modulation)? (Points : 25)

Information is conveyed using FM by beginning with a sine signal that serves as a…
(TCO B) Define circuit switching and packet switching. Explain why one is more appropriate for data. (Points : 25)

Circuit switching and packet switching are technologies used for…
(TCO B) What organizations have responsibility for standards covering more than one nation? (Points : 25)

These organizations are the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and the…
(TCO C) What is the difference between a BSS and an ESS? (Points : 10)

A BSS (Basic Service Set) refers to a network that contains only…
(TCO C) How many types of frames are used on a wireless network and what are they? (Points : 10)

There are three wireless frame types, such as the management frames, the control frames, and the…
(TCO C) Which security standard is compatible with the 802.11i standard and which ones are not? (Points : 10)

WPA (Wired Protected Access) and WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) are compatible with the…
(TCO C) Why does implementing RTS/CTS help speed data transmission? (Points : 10)

The RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) function is an 802.11 standard feature that controls…
(TCO C) What are the primary components of a WLAN? (Points : 10)

The three primary types of WLAN components are the wireless network cards, the wireless access points, and…
(TCO D) What is the difference between baseband and broadband? (Points : 15)

In baseband, data is transmitted as data signals through the media. It serves as a…
(TCO D) What is meant by the “last mile?” Why is the “last mile” problematic in terms of data transmission? (Points : 15)

The last mile technology refers to the telecommunications technology that connects the…
(TCO E) What is the main problem with using GEO satellites for data links? (Points : 15)

A geostationary satellite (GEO) is a satellite that orbits the earth, placed around 35,800 kilometers directly above the…
(TCO E) Explain the differences between 1G, 2G, and 3G networks. (Points : 25)

In 1G, data is transmitted in analog form and can be used only for making calls and sending text messages. Its network…
(TCO F) What is the purpose of a blocker tag? (Points : 15

The blocker tag is a RFID (radio frequency identification) tag that helps consumers manage their…
(TCO F) How does RFID work? (Points : 25)

The RFID (Radio frequency identification) system uses tags that are attached to all items and that are used for…
(TCO G) AMPS operates in what frequency range? (Points : 15)

AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is a standard system for cellular telephone services in the United States and…
(TCO G) Describe an efficient way to accomplish a widespread rollout of a new wireless system. (Points : 25)

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